Mental Wellbeing
The foundations for a child’s healthy emotional development are known to be laid down in their early years. Positive early experiences are particularly important. Feelings of attachment, security and positive stimulation within loving relationships help to strengthen a child’s developing emotional and social systems and make them more likely to thrive and become healthy adults.
At Imagination preschool we offer opportunities for play and learning that acknowledge children's beliefs and cultural backgrounds. We do mindful exercises throughout the day so that children can recognise and self-regulate their emotions. We also providing opportunities for children to talk about their feelings without critical or negative judgment, allowing them the space to be acknowledged and heard.
practical ideas for supporting young children’s wellbeing:
Playing outside
Research shows that children have a need to be outside, taking opportunities to explore, discover, climb and run. Make sure you involve children in using your outdoor space by asking them to help create obstacle courses for one another, asking them to think about what tools and resources they will need.
Or you could provide materials for the children to make dens outdoors. Could they have a picnic in their den?
Photo by Kelli McClintock on Unsplash
Use emotional language
We need to help children understand their feelings and using emotional language will help give them the vocabulary they need to understand their own feelings, as well as other people’s. Even when children are babies we can start talking about their feelings. For example, when a baby is crying to be fed, you can say: “It’s okay, I know you are feeling hungry. I am going to feed you now.”
Stop rushing
Our lives are often very busy, and our children’s lives can often be busy too. We need to help children find the time to rest and experience moments of stillness. Are there spaces in your home where your child can lay back and relax or daydream? You can also use yoga and mindfulness with young children.
Both of these practices help children to find stillness.
Being creative
Creativity is an essential part of wellbeing. We need to give children the space to be creative and join in the process with them. Find times to sing and dance with children, this can be a joyful experience. Give children the opportunity to experiment with a wide range of materials and mark-making tools. Creativity should be about enjoying the activity and not about having a finished product.